Sunday, March 1, 2009


Matthew and I are perpetually late. Anyone who knows us knows this. I apologize to everyone I have been late to in the past, and all those I will still be late to in the future, because trust me, it will happen again. Having said that, I have a thirteen-year-old who hates to be late. He really is a mellow young man, but there are a few things that set him off, and being late (especially to things that are important to him) is one of those things. I think it is further proof that God has a sense of humor. He sent a punctual child (not that he had ANY inclination to be punctual on his way down thirteen years ago) to chronically tardy parents. We have the car keys and the power to MAKE him late all the time. It really is amusing.

Tonight at dinner we were doing highlights and lowlights. First off, let me say that we live less than a block away from our church and my son goes early on his own (he doesn't need us with the car keys to get there). When it was my turn for hightlights I said that one of my highlights was getting to church before the opening prayer. The so-n-so of a teenager said, "You did?" then clapped and gave me a thumbs up. I blame this on his father, who is often sarcastic on top of being late, and who was also laughing his fool head off.


  1. It isn't his sense of humor, he just gives us what we need. I think when I gave birth to my kids they stole some of my brain cells. It is nice to see them again sometimes . . . in my kids.
